Reading Time: 5 minutesCharcuterie in the pantry or larder. That’s what charcuterie has always been made for. For thousands of years we’ve been dry-curing and smoking meat (before we could import food from all around the world) because we needed to keep going in lean times. And lean times they were, as we had to produce from the […]
Food storage
Store Cheese in the Pantry – Ditch the Fridge
Reading Time: 7 minutesCheese: take the milk, skim off the curds (solids) from the whey (liquids), press, ferment and age. Hey presto, you have a solid form of milk. We’ve long used this to extend its life and get us through lean times. A tradition thousands of years old. Store cheese in the pantry, and it’ll taste and […]
Bury Your Root Vegetables: Overwinter Storage In Sand and Compost Pots
Reading Time: 5 minutesI bury my root vegetables in sand and compost. No longer do they wilt and wrinkle in a basket in the cupboard, or in the fridge, if I can’t use them quick enough. Would you bury your root vegetables? You may know that you can keep root vegetables in sand or peat (or compost) over […]
Traditional Food Storage – Fridge Freezer Free
Reading Time: 7 minutesLove Your Larder, Pep up Your Pantry – get into traditional food storage, and you’ll think twice about the fridge freezer. Fancy something salted, pickled, fermented, dried, smoked, potted, cellared, and stored in olive oil or honey? You can find this food all around the world. You can sample all kinds of distinctive foods that […]
Zero Waste Ways With Fat and Oil in the Kitchen: Bread and Dripping Days
Reading Time: 7 minutesZero waste ways with fat and oil may be a lost art. When I was little, I loved bread and dripping. I remember at my Nan’s house the smell of cooked bacon drawing me to the kitchen where she was clearing up. I’d sidle up to her, and I’d say “Can I have some bread […]