Reading Time: 5 minutesI’ve mentioned plastic-free sportswear, outdoor and underwear in my last post Plastic microfibre pollution: Zero Waste Week solutions because I believe they’re the hardest clothes to find plastic-free. Synthetics are generally quick drying, can keep us warm or cool, and are easy to wash, so it’s not surprising that they are increasingly the go-to fabric for this […]
Sewing Motivation Hacks
Reading Time: 6 minutesThis summer I’ve spent some time with the sewing machine again, and I’ve got my sewing motivation back. Although it’s been my intention for a while to delve into my fabric stash and make use of it, I’ve had an extra incentive this summer. As the summer heatwave set in I realised I was short […]
Motivation to Make Do and Mend
Reading Time: 5 minutesMending has never been my favourite occupation, but I’m learning to appreciate the art more lately. It’s taken me some time to find the motivation to make do and mend. Pledging to buy no new clothes for several more months has brought me here and sharpened my attention on making what I have last longer. I […]
Ode to the Haberdashery Department: Demise of the Local Haberdashery
Reading Time: 3 minutesOf late, I’ve lamented the demise of my local haberdashery. The haberdashery department in a local store has signs up saying ‘50% off everything’. I should be rushing in with glee, but instead, I’m sad. It’s closing down. I even had a vague feeling of panic! But those last minute wants for haberdashery bits and […]
Freehand Pattern Drafting Versus Standard Pattern Drafting
Reading Time: 4 minutesI’ve been comparing freehand pattern drafting (drafting directly on to fabric) and standard drafting of paper pattern pieces lately. I wore an outfit to a friend’s wedding recently that I made by using both methods. Some time ago I made a pattern for a skirt block. This was a straight, knee length skirt which can […]
Is It Worth Making Your Own Sewing Patterns?
Reading Time: 4 minutesHave you wondered if it might be worthwhile to draw up (or draft) your own sewing patterns? Whilst shop bought sewing patterns have a lot of flexibility built in, to allow you to fit to your height and shape, there are reasons why you might want to DIY your own. This post is less about […]